Why Did Benjamin Martin Join The Revolutionary War

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In 1776 a war took place between Great Britain and Americans who had support from the French. When South Carolina decided to take part then Mr. Martin’s son joined the Continentals. Gabriel, his son, returned one day, wounded, and was taken hostage by the British Army by whom he was later killed. Benjamin Martin, an ex soldier, seeks revenge against his son’s murderer and seeks for higher justice. It’s a story of a determined father who fought for justice for his son against a stronger nation.
It all started after Benjamin came back from the Indian-French war, which took place in 1754-1763, as a war-hero. The main aim of the war was to determine who should be in control of the North American colonial territory. The French had to face defeat after defeat in America and eventually the
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The two countries signed a peace treaty - the Treaty of Paris which at first seemed like the end of conflicts between the two countries. Yet again the colonial empire’s settlement was the very start of a new conflict that lead to the American Revolution. Benjamin returned as a hero, despite his loss, but the war had deeply affected him. Therefore he was cautious and didn’t want neither of his boys to join the war.Colonel Tavington was a brutal commander. He took extreme measures in use to achieve anything he needed or wanted. Since he seeked for war-revenge, he went ahead and searched for Benjamin’s forces. Colonel found them in the church and promised to keep them alive as long as someone revealed Benjamin’s hide-out place. His location was revealed, yet the whole church was burned to the ground with Gabriel’s wife inside. After Gabriel found out that his new wife had been killed, the whole situation leads to the slaughter of Tavington who somehow survives and kills Gabriel instead. Slavery played