Why Did Fdr Revolutionize America

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Pages: 4

Franklin D. Roosevelt, America's 32nd President (and longest President to ever hold the Office, 4 years), did more than just revolutionize America. FDR was America's last glimmer of light in a room full of darkness. He played a crucial role in the victory of WW2, brought world powers together that eventually led to the groundwork of the United Nations, fought and advocated for Social Rights/Equality, and is the man that many say brought us out of the Great Depression.
In 1932 when Franklin Roosevelt was elected the US was in a time of peril, the economy was sinking and social classes called for justice and cried out for help. Jobs were disappearing faster than one could obtain one and with the Great Migration in progress (in full swing at the time), being black made getting a job harder than it already was. Some African-Americans still living in the South were forced to continue working jobs of hard labor with minimal pay, and in most cases if they spoke out they were lynched or beaten. According to the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, “ By 1932, over half of blacks in southern cities were unemployed” (*1). With proposing the “New Deal”, FDR also spoke out on racism several times, publicly denouncing lynching and developed a plan to make lynching illegal but there would be too much opposition for the bill and FDR didn’t want to
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Many of America’s greatest achievements have ties to FDR, such as the forming of the United Nations and our discriminatory free military. If FDR had not been our president during the 1930’s-1940’s, would we still see people of color as so different, would they still be slaves? Would we be ruled under one German oriented government? We never will know the answers to those questions so that is why FDR was the best President of his