Although it was likely that the Allies were going to win the war they didn't want to take any chances, so, they dropped bombs on places that had previously been hit or affected by war resulting in the places becoming completely destroyed. Places such as Dresden, Germany for example, had been previously affected by war. The British air force then made the decision to drop a large series of bombs on the city creating a firestorm. Survivors of the storm describe it as “… so many huge fires so rapidly… drew flames out explosively…”. Another survivor also explained “If you want to measure the effect of a new bomb, its stupid to drop it on cities that are already destroyed.” explaining that he thinks the bomb was just an experiment to see the effects it had on not only the physical places themselves but also humans. This shows that the Allies had no mercy for the other countries and only wanted to do what was best for them, they also could have come up with a more civilised and less destructive way of ending the