Why Did Modern Egyptologists Find Hatshepsut

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Pages: 2

Modern Egyptologists find Hatshepsut interesting for many reasons. Originally, Hatshepsut ruled alongside her husband Thutmose II. Her husband had died and had no royal sons. So they had to use his girlfriend’s son. This young man was Thutmose III. Thutmose III was very young at the time that he should’ve ruled. Because of this error Hatshepsut had to marry her half-brother to serve his regent.

Now here’s where it gets really interesting. “Although her long rule had been a time of peace and prosperity, filled with magnificent art and a number of ambitious building projects (the greatest of which was her mortuary or memorial, temple at Deir el-Bahri), Hatshepsut’s methods of acquiring and holding onto power suggested a darker side to her reign