Why Did The Framers Fear Political Parties?

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Pages: 4

Outline- Unit 4 Question 3
Although We the People is a program designed to help us understand the Constitution, political parties are not mentioned in the Constitution, but are a vital part of American Identity.

Why and how did political parties form?
The formation of factions begins like this: some people believe America should be ran in a certain way. Citizens group together with people in agreeance of the platform into factions(as they were called in federalist 10 by James Madison) and these become parties. People will inevitably agree with one side more than the other. They then will work to run the nation in their vision, trying to outshine the other. In America, these factions have recurred numerous times: Federalist vs Anti-Federalists, Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians, Democrat-republicans vs Federalists, Democrats vs Republicans, and the Election of 1800 in which John Adams and Thomas Jefferson ran against each other, but for the first time ever, were defined by their political parties.

Why did the framers fear political parties?
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But the framers foresaw these parties and were apprehensive of them. Some of the framers believed parties were purely evil and needed to eradicate them for many reasons. One of them being party member would inevitably side for the benefit of their party rather than the benefit of society, corrupting the government.Washington modeled the ideal president: he didn't side for anyone and worked for the good of the nation rather than a faction. Another reason is the country would be torn in half is the divisiveness which would be created. When one group of people believes something would be beneficial to the country while