Harry S. Truman was the thirty third president of the united states before his presidency Truman was a pretty much a failure almost every aspect of his life. Truman was small he was overlooked he failed in business. And then he got into politics he was a favorite of the people but he was hated by the other politicians because of his honesty and him getting into things he shouldn’t. The only reason Truman was put into the vice presidency was because they wanted him in a place that he couldn’t do or say anything and used him to get the people to support FDR. The only reason Truman even became the president was because FDR unexpectedly died that wasn’t part of their plan. While Truman was president he dropped the …show more content…
After thinking over each precedency in this time and their actions during I believe that we weren’t winning the Cold war. The reason being is that each president didn’t really keep our strategy of keeping communism contained. Communism still slowly spread but then there were still parts of the world that communism was still contained and slowly dying just because we were sitting back and letting it die on its own by containing it. So again in conclusion I do not believe we were winning the Cold