Why Do Australia Foreign Exchange

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Pages: 4

2.6 Foreign exchange
a) Australia: - Australian dollar exchange rate to USD dollar according to yearly average rates.
Year Average rate
2010 0.919691
2011 1.033853
2012 1.035937
2013 0.967915
2014 0.902813
2015 0.758717
Average rate 0.765392

b) United kingdom: - UK dollar exchange rate to USD dollar based on yearly average rates.
Year Average rate
2010 1.545893
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Australians like people who are modest, humble, self-deprecating and with sense of humour. They often downplay their own success, which may make them appear not to be achievement oriented and they do not draw attention to their academic or achievements and tend to distrust people. They believe in high value in relationship. Australia is a multi-cultural society. The population of Australia was made up of aborigines as well as people from British and Irish descent. After that many people were migrant from Europe, especially from Greece, Italy, Germany and India. Australians prefer to use first names and visitors should simply say “Hello” ? (Australia - Culture, Customs and Etiquette, …show more content…
The British are very reserved and private people. Privacy is extremely important. The British will not necessarily give you a tour of their home and, in fact, may keep most doors closed. They expect others to respect their privacy. This extends to not asking personal questions. The question, “Where are you from?” may be viewed as an attempt to “place” the person on the social or class scale. Even close friends do not ask pointedly personal questions, particularly pertaining to one’s financial situation or relationships. (UK - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette,