Why Does Friar Lawrence Agree To Marry Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 5

1. List 4 different themes/ key ideas of the play
4 themes that are about of Romeo and Juliet are love, youth, fate/free will and revenge. Love as it’s a romantic story, youth because it about young people, fate/free will because it just what happen and revenge as it about the history of the competitive two families.

2. What makes this story a tragedy?
This story is a tragedy as it involves young children who lose their life over love which was forbidden because of the family’s long rivalry. They take their own life for each which make it even more depressing and romantic. “There was never a story more full of pain than the story of Romeo and Juliet” (act 5, scene 14)

3. After the fight scene (act 1) who makes the peace? what warning does
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Friar Lawrence agreed to marry Romeo and juliet to stop the rivalry between the two families. “This marriage may be lucky enough to turn the hatred between your families into pure love.” ( act 2, scene 3 )

Who teases the nurse and causes her to become crass/angry
When nurse goes visits Romeo, Mercutio was making fun of her. “ Good Peter, give her her fan to hide her face. Her fan is prettier than her face” act 2 scene 5) Nurse what very disrespected and was very offended. “Get out of here! What kind of man are you?” (act 2 scene 5). Mercutio was say she is an old lady and very ugly. The only reason for Mercutio's teasing Nurse is because she is apart of Capulet.
How does the nurse react when she finally returns- insert quote
When Nurse come to Juliet she was dragging on the conversation before telling her what she really wanted to heap about, Romeo. She was very reluctant and kept changing the subject to herself, like her back hurt or give me a massage, but she did have a lot of aching bones. “Sweet Jesus, you’re in such a hurry! Can’t you wait for a moment? Don’t you see that I’m out of breath?” (act 2, scene 5)
The Friar warns romeo again about something, what is it? Insert