Why Gmo Igredients Should Be Labeled?

Words: 1778
Pages: 8

Name: Mohamed Zokari
Instructor: Devin Kelly
Course Title:
Date: Nov 18
Foods Containing GMO Ingredients Should be labeled Genetically modified organisms are organisms whose genetic arrangement has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. It uses new technological sciences to create unstable organisms such as plants, animals, and bacteria by combining their genes in an unusual way. Most modifications have been focused on high demand cash crops such as corn, soybean and canola. Due to these modifications done on organisms in the laboratory, which may be unstable, foods containing GM ingredients can be harmful to the public. We have the right to know what is in our food. It is therefore very important to label
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Some pests and weeds have become resistant to herbicides intended to protect genetically modified organisms, and toxic pesticide use has increased causing a big threat to the environment. Also, it has been found out that genetically modified crops easily contaminate non-GMO crops threatening organic culture and the ability of consumers to choose non-GMO foods.
Genetically modified foods should be labeled because the consumers have a right to choose. Consumers demand that they should be granted the right to know on to what they are feeding on so that they can be in a position to choose what is best for them (Thompson 22). This will help reduce complications on the public arising from the consumption of genetically modified foods.
Genetically modified foods should be labeled because this does not add any cost to the consumers or the food producers. This is true because companies’ change their labeling on products all the time, and many countries has already introduced GMO labeling but the costs remain favorable in the region. Labeling of such products has been made free by most world organizations for the companies willing to do it because it is important to the end consumer and may affect their health directly (Miller 12). Also, everyone is doing it. Many countries around the world have labeling requirements when it comes to genetically modified
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It also helps educate mislead consumers leading to greater consumer choice and increase their faith in their producers. Genetically modified food labeling rather than preventing and discouraging health and environmental research of GMO foods and crops, it will open research possibilities so that definitive scientific answers can be determined. For example, if a research has to do to track the impacts of genetically modified foods on public health the foods must be labeled for easy