Why Gun Control Is Important

Words: 911
Pages: 4

The truth about the gun isn’t the power of taking life’s but the power on the end of it.
Although people believe they should take guns, I strongly disagree with this belief for safety and protection of your family, they believe they are protected by your choices and love.
America is freedom, fighting with the weapons we have taken and won our rights, freedom, and own power. Taking guns is the beginning of taking away our freedom. Freedom lets us do whatever we can, however possible. Choosing to have a weapon is on us. Let us suffer with the choices we make. Forgive and forget. The next reason is, guns are used for protecting. Weapons are meant to be used for protection nothing else. If we are not able to protect our self’s then how will we be free? United Kingdom don’t allow weapons for citizens, and there in war for not being able to protect them self. Mexicans are scared of us because we
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They depend on the government to help them. If someone breaks into the house full of family and kids what will they do? Nothing you can do. Wait for the police that’s all you can do. Having guns, nor weapons whenever we want will help the world. Just look at Great Britain they have nothing to use. (In the United Kingdom the law is very strict about general public firearms). They have no freedom to use any weapons. Humans there are pretty much trapped. This world would be more safe if we all could use or have guns at are reach! But people don’t believe what they are scared of. For that this world will not be safe if everyone cannot have something to protect them self’s. Think who would mess with someone who has something that’s meant for harming, nor killing. America will forever be free to bare gun control. People will always find a way to protect them self’s and their possessions. This is a country with brave people, we won’t stop till we get what we want. This means the world to