Now Pro Point Guard for the Philadelphia 76ers and Rookie of the Year Candidate Ben Simmons was one of those players who had to endure the one and done rule, forcing him to play 1 year at Louisiana Southern University (LSU) for no pay. Simmons has said in an interview with CBS’s Maverick Carter “I don’t really know what I learned” and when asked why he believed they had the one and done rule, he said “If we didn't, a lot of people would be losing money. So I think that's the main reason. The NCAA, if they didn't have the stars coming through, people wouldn't be watching.” (Maloney, Jack “Sixer’s Ben Simmons on his time at LSU Nov. 10 2017. n-his-time-at-lsu-i-dont-really-know-what-i-learned/ ) So it is pretty clear that players don’t like being forced to play college without pay. Now just in case there wasn’t enough reasons for star high schoolers to go straight to the pros their is also a thing that can happen in college that, if severe enough, can destroy their pro hopes all together;