As I continue to write, I get praise, criticism, and encouragement from them. With such a nice net of support, I feel comfortable enough to pursue, not a job, but a career out of my writing. I’m lucky to have that and I’m thankful for it. Lastly, my third motivation for starting college is to learn a little bit more about the other things I’m interested in, and taking classes that will help me better understand the world. Writing isn’t the only thing I want to know more about. Such other things include: Science, mythology, history, and how some places are in the world today. I feel that taking classes that pertain to these topics will help me have a better understanding of what I like to write, as well as getting more ideas for stories that would be good in my eyes. Striving for the betterment of myself will keep me going throughout my time in college, even throughout hard times. I have the encouragement of my family, which will keep me up, and I also have my longing for more information outside of writing. These three things in unity will help me stay motivated during my time in college. I may doubt myself every once in a while, but that doubt will not dictate my want for an extension of my