Why Is Animal Cloning Wrong

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Pages: 4

All The Wrongs About Animal Cloning
Animal cloning seems fun and cool, but at the same time cloning an animal such as the wooly mammoth is very detrimental to nature. Cloning extinct animals is masking the real problem about exction. There is not much research done on animal cloning but with the little research that we have we see the real truth of animal cloning. Not only does cloning mask the real problem, but it also affects the way the animal lives. The DNA never makes an exact copy causing mutations and other issues. Lastly with cloning there comes a chance of over population and pressure on nature.
First off ignoring anything in life is not good. Ignoring something like a situation causes us to be in a lot of pain. When an animal goes extinct the environment that it lived in is changed for the other animals that live in the same
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National Human Genome Research Institute states that “...most cloned animal embryos cannot develop into healthy individuals” (Melissa). Most animals that are cloned fail to be healthy. Most cloned animals have health issues such as smaller or bigger organisms, and liver defects. What causes these mutations is the primer that is attached to the DNA strand that copies the RNA strand does not line up with the entire DNA leaving a section untouched. Making random amino acids and leaving important amino acids out. It’s not very fair that we are making these animals come back alive for pleasure but the fact that they are not healthy, suffering and dying. An animal that is created and has a health issue like a type of disease is very sad. An animal that has a disease would affect other animals and could kill off any other healthy living animals. It’s a risk that shouldn’t be done. Scientist might be able to fix the health issues but the animal is more like a robot than an animal from nature. Instead it’s an animal from