Why Is Boo Wrong In To Kill A Mockingbird

Words: 939
Pages: 4

To judge means to form an opinion or conclusion about something.We tend to judge people when we can’t understand why they are doing something.
Plenty of people who are ignorant or do not know something judge people.
Various people are ignorant to the unknown and anonymous.

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Many people are influenced by rumors before they get to know someone.Numerous people in our society are evaluated by rumors and not by true facts or asking the person.
No one relates to Boo or understands why Boo wouldn't leave his home,because their was nothing left in Maycomb for him.They dramatize what he's done in the past and infer that he is a horrible person and distinguish him as a person with terrible attributes and aspects.
Boo is
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“ Negroes are not usually granted equal treatment before the law, that a Negro is acquitted only when he has a white champion." During the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird Tom Robinson says he ran because he feared southem justice. He ran, he says, because he was "scared I'd hafta face up to what I didn't do." “(May 305)
Many people are discriminated against just like Tom.They don’t care what you have or have not done,but judge you based on your appearance rather than knowledge or