Why Is Contraception Inherently Wrong

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Pages: 5

Contraception of all types have been prevalent in our world since 3000 BC. One of the first types of birth control, that came to pay in 1640 AD, was condoms consisting of fish bladders or animal intestines. These were more used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases more so than preventing pregnancy. The idea of oral contraception came about in the 1950’s by a woman named Margaret Sanger. Since the invention of birth control many women’s lives have changed for the better. There are many reasons a woman goes on the pill or uses contraception that don’t include preventing pregnancy. Religions frown upon all types of contraception, claiming that it is morally wrong. BBC wrote an article listing out why birth control is so ethically wrong. This …show more content…
This article immediately begins with a bulleted list of why BBC believes contraception is “inherently wrong”. Some of those bullets being, it is un-natural, anti-life, a form of abortion, and states that contraception separates sex from reproduction. BBC cases that contraception produces consequences. Some of the punishments from using contraception when having sex include: 1) Health Risks; 2) ”contraceptive culture” is dangerous; 3) it prevents potential people who could benefit society from being born; 4) it can be used as a eugenic tool; 5) could be misused in mass population control or cultural imperialism; 6) may lead to depopulation. The article then goes on to list out how birth control causes immoral behavior. BBC states, “Contraception makes it easier to have sex outside of marriage. Contraception leads to widespread sexual immorality. Contraception allows people (even married people) to have sex purely for enjoyment.” Pursuing this idea further, the article uses another bulleted list to explain why contraception is unnatural, anti-life, and a form of abortion. According to BBC birth control is unnatural because the result of having sex is becoming pregnant and it is wrong to impede this. BBC declares in this section of the …show more content…
Not only does using contraception lessen the risk of pregnancy but also the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. In the article BBC points out that people, including married people, are having sex for enjoyment rather than the sole purpose of reproduction. In this day and age it is ridiculous to propose that people are only going to have sex just for reproducing. Everything in society today has been sexualized. Informing teens and others that contraception is viable is how we can help those people gain knowledge of their options. Many girls go on the pill at young ages now for reasons other than preventing pregnancy. The birth control pill can prevent and treat acne, prevent cysts in breast and ovaries, help prevent endometrial and ovarian cancers, iron deficiency, and help control mood swings, cramp, and other PMS symptoms. Women who have horrible periods find great relief in the pill. The birth control pill can change a woman’s quality of life. Contraception can also help space out women’s pregnancy’s so that women don’t have children too close together. Having babies too close together can contribute to infant mortality and overall quality of life for mom and baby. Another benefit of contraception is that it slows population growth. In the article they discuss how slowing population growth is a bad thing. Our world is getting smaller. If the human race lives long enough they