Why Is It Important To Use E-Cigarettes Essay

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Pages: 5

Vaping, E-cigarettes & Lung Health As the health risks posed by cigarettes have become public knowledge, the tobacco companies have come up with a new “safer” ways to smoke. Instead of traditional cigarettes, millennials and generation z are using e-cigarettes, or vapes. E-cigarettes a different from traditional cigarettes because of the way that they function to create smoke. Many members of the younger generation believe that there is not a very high risk when using e-cigarettes, and while they are slightly safer than traditional cigarettes, there is still a hefty risk (Miech et al., 2017). Some of the risks of using e-cigarettes include popcorn lung, addiction to nicotine, and it being a gateway to smoking conventional cigarettes. To understand why e-cigarettes are becoming so popular, it’s important to perceive the differences between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes. Traditional cigarettes are composed of a mix of tobacco and chemical additives that are wrapped in a paper (Center for Tobacco Products, 2017). Conventional smoking is the main cause of death in the United States, the leading diseases caused by smoking are lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, these aren’t the only risks that smoking poses. Smoking increases the …show more content…
While they may be slightly less harmful to the lungs and bodies of those who use them, electronic cigarettes still pose a substantial risk to the health of the user. E-cigarettes function in a different way than traditional cigarettes, but they can still contain nicotine and cause serious damage to the lungs. There has not been the opportunity for the study of the long-term risks of using electronic cigarettes, so the claims that they are not detrimental are unfounded. All in all, cigarettes are dangerous in any form, whether it be technological or