Why Is The Past Important In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel called “ The Great Gatsby” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald the character’s relationship to the past contributes to his actions and attitude towards his decisions. Jay Gatsby’s past was very influential throughout the book. Since the beginning Jay’s father and him never had a stable relationship, he wanted to please and for Daisy to love him and he wanted to be successful at whatever it took.
Mr. Gatsby was around to be with his son , but never to guide him to the right path. For example, if he would have been around more to mentor him he would have never met Dan Cody. Dan showed him how to be triumphant in the business. Mr. Gatsby was very proud of him , yet he did not have a father figure follow. Although at the end he did attend
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This is where he meets the love of his life. Daisy was a wealthy woman who happened to be stationed where Jay was. Furthermore, Gatsby declares his love towards her , but since he was in a high class position she rejected him. This was the drive that mad Jay continue being Dan’s apprentice. He knew he had to become rich in order to get Daisy’s attention. In the 1920’s prohibition was in effect , so the only way to get good money was to do bootlegging. By doing illegal businesses he became one of the most affluent people in the era. For example , Making extravagant parties, having expensive cars as well as clothes were some of the luxuries he had as reminder of his accomplishments. The love for Daisy influenced him in a great deal, because he based his whole future in being someone that Daisy was going to be with , yet ignoring what and who he wanted to be as a person without Daisy.
In addition, in the book it mentions that he never was comfortable at the parties that he threw. This leads us to conclude that his lies lead him to not know who he really was. For example, one of the parties that Gatsby threw Nick found him outside and very distant from the crowd. He invented a name for himself as well as his whole life story. He mentions that he attended Oxford and that he was from a rich community instead of saying that he is from the Midwest specifically from North Dakota. By him making up a fictional character he