In the movie Moana, the main character, Moana, shows an immense amount of empathy as she consoles her friend, Maui, through a troublesome situation. Maui begins to reminisce about his dark past about being abandoned a an infant and started to question his importance and relevance as a demigod and is left feeling lost and unloved. Moana in response says “The gods aren't the ones who make you Maui, you are.” Maui after hearing these heartfelt finds it in his heart to believe her words and continues to keep trusting his abilities and worth which leads him to being able to defeat his inner and outer demons. Because Moana showed empathy, she is able to understand his position and offer him a possibility on how to fix his problem along with how to move forward with the tribulations he is facing. Empathy is pertinent to being a hero in order to be able to comprehend and feel the gravity of a