Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal

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Pages: 4

Marijuana has been around for thousands of years and has no way of stopping within the global citizens. It was used at first as medical assurance to being used in the current era for many different reasons, but it become illegal in 1937 through legislation. The irony of it is that the usage of marijuana has increased by a plethora ever since. Marijuana is a drug used in cigarettes as a narcotic or hallucinogen. According to an article on About Health, once the marijuana is smoked, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and other chemicals in the plant goes into the bloodstream, the user will begin to experience a pleasant euphoria and a sense of relaxation, in a matter of time. Most people use marijuana for the effects to feel relaxed when depressed or …show more content…
Marijuana should stay illegal because it can ruin a person’s personal life. Students who use marijuana daily have lower grades and are more likely to drop out of college. “Usage can interfere with concentration, memory, and paying attention which prohibits studying and retaining information, which is critical if wanting to graduate from school.” (Teen Rehab) If getting caught with smoking marijuana on campus and getting convicted, a student can lose his or her financial support from the government, which can lead a student to taking either more loans or dropping out of school, which is the worse case scenario. Students believe that marijuana helps them stay sane through college but marijuana honestly costs a lot of money once one sums it together. “Several studies, also, have linked marijuana users to lower income, greater welfare dependence, unemployment and lower life satisfaction.” (Marijuana Use, Craving, and Academic Motivation and Performance among College Students: An In-the-moment …show more content…
It damages the body. “Symptoms from bronchitis and lung irritation to phlegmy cough and withdrawals are long term effects of marijuana after taking it for a long time.” (Healthline) Medical Marijuana isn’t even a cure, it is just what patients use to lessen the pain but will receive other negative symptoms while trying to aid the patient’s