Why Was Haiti Unprepared For The 2010 Earthquake

Words: 365
Pages: 2

Haiti's Horror On January 12, 2010 Haiti changed forever. The famously known earthquake of 2010 had just hit Haiti. Houses, restaurants, offices, everything there was destroyed, nothing left there, the whole community was gone in the matter of 30 seconds. “Everything explodes in white: a chalky cloud of cement powder engulfs me, engulfs the house, engulfs the entire city” (Wagner, 2). Even though Haiti is on a fault line, they were very unprepared for the 2010 earthquake. The question I am trying to answer is: Why was Haiti so unprepared for the 2010 earthquake and what did Haiti do after the earthquake to get the country back to normal? The 2010 earthquake in Haiti took place 25 kilometers west of their capital Port-au-Prince but was so big