Why We Re Patriotic Analysis

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Pages: 4

GO LAKERS. GO TO THE CELTICS! GO BLUE DEVILS! - BLUE DEVILS! Face paint, matching clothes, chants, and dances; don’t all of these sound like tribalistic attributes? These are some of the many things we do that are considered “tribalism” and it is safe to say that it is an innate human drive that we cannot control. From text and excerpts such as, “Why We’re Patriotic” by Adam Piore, “from The Social Conquest of Earth” by E.O Wilson, “from People Like Us” by David Brookes, and “Sports, Politics, Tribe, Violence, and the Social Human Animal’s Drive to Survive” by David Ropeik; it is clearly argued and supported that we cannot control over our tribalistic human drive because, we are social animals, and it gives us a sense of survival. To start, …show more content…
In the text “Why We’re Patriotic”, page 1019 states, “Once you feel part of the group you are less afraid of death because as a member of the group you acquire a kind of immortality”. From this, we can understand that we feel strengthened when we are in a group. This sort of immortality feeds our natural instincts and makes us want to stay more loyal and have a sense of belonging and identity to our community. We can also infer from this that when we are disassociated with a group we are more likely to be afraid of death or some kind of weakness to live in the world. That is, our “tribalism” naturally appears and makes us depend on our group in an effort to boost our chances of survival. Overall, we cannot control our “tribalism” because it is naturally shown in our efforts to survive In conclusion, we have successfully evolved as a human species and our innate human drive of “tribalism” cannot be controlled for positive reasons. Because we are social humans, and we yearn for survival, we instinctively stay loyal to those like us because it brings us comfort and leads to a stronger bond with