One important reason you should never litter is because it costs a lot of money to clean up. In 2013, $11.5 billion was used to clean up litter. A 2012 study determined that 90 west coast communities spend a total of more than $520 million every year to combat litter. This money could have been used to repair roads and other things that could benefit society. Every year, more, and more money will be spent, and eventually, there won’t even be enough money for survival. …show more content…
Sea creatures often mistake plastic for food. Debris will cause choking, and plastic will give animals a false feeling of being full, and they will eventually die of starvation. Gray whales have been found dead with plastic in their stomachs. A recent study of harbor seals in the Netherlands found that more than 12% had plastic in their digestive systems. Some small creatures will crawl into a plastic bottle, get stuck, and die of starvation. Some marine creatures get stuck in the six plastic rings which hold soda cans. This will cause the animal to choke to