If my school changed its start time, I would do better in school, not sleep in class and get more sleep. High school students should be able to start school at a later time because we are the ones that really need them and I know that if school officials actually made school start later in the day students would do better in school because if a student is fully awake and able to eat breakfast in the morning the will be more willing to do school work but if a student is half asleep and haven’t eaten breakfast because they were afraid to get to so late or miss the bus how good do you think they would do in school? In Hina and Shelby viewpoint essay they said that “Gone was the morning rush for families to draw drowsy teens out of bed, often skipping breakfast to get out the door in time for early morning lessons, followed by long, over-scheduled days.” School officials should be concerned about this evidence I provided because it’s really affecting students and the evidence I provided might give school officials a different view on early school start times and schools should really change their start times if they want to see their students' ability to