After asking a couple of my friends why they attend college, I came to a conclusion. Many students attend college because they are given financial aid. This makes going to college a little easier, since you do not have to stress over how you are going to be paying for school. College graduates tend to make more money; a lot more than people who did not attend college. There are many well paid occupations; from home health aide to computer engineer to physicians and surgeon. Most students just attend college to gain a degree that will help them get a well paying job other than to obtain their dream job.
Family influence: In my personal experience, i decided to attend college because of …show more content…
As Casey Slide states in “10 Reasons Why You Should Go to College – Besides Just Getting a High-Paying Job,” “For some people, this is not a want but a need. A lot of high school graduates have never worked, paid a bill, or learned anything about personal finance. Even as parents teach kids about money management, they can help their kids ease into real world responsibilities by having them spend time in college.” In other words what she is saying is that students gain financial responsibility when they are in college and this sticks with them their whole