Unit Title: Wider Professional Practice in Education and Training.
Assignment 2
Date: 30 May 2024.
By Ragel M E Storar.
Word Count: 2920.
3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Understand the impact of accountability to stakeholders and external bodies in education and training. 3.1 Explain the roles of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training. Students should complete an essay on roles and accountability to stakeholders and external bodies in education and training. (400 words minimum) The term stakeholders can easily be seen as a term only referring to individuals with a monetary interest in the organisation. However, in a school environment …show more content…
Role: Attend the setting, engage in learning and gain the necessary skills, both academic and personal, to prepare for adulthood. 3.2 Explain how being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies impacts organisations in education and training. (400 words minimum) Being accountable to stakeholders and external stakeholders such as the above mentioned has a direct impact on the school. Not only does it create job roles such as the Health and Safety Officer and SENCO, but it also puts a duty of care on the organisation and the staff to ensure that relevant training is up to date to comply with legislation and the guidelines of stakeholders. This impacts in-set days, timetables and the workload of educators within an educational setting. Furthermore, stakeholders such as the Office for Standards in Education will regulate qualifications that learners achieve through awarding bodies, which in turn will mean that educators need to ensure that the curriculum they teach is sufficient and fit for purpose to enable learners to achieve success in assessment by these awarding …show more content…
It may or could mean that the environment has to be adapted, for example a ramp being installed to support accessibility etc. The everyday running of the school must mean that both staff and students feel safe and a school can face closure by OFSTED after an inspection if this is not the case. Education today is all about accountability and transparency, and complying with policies and procedures in order to achieve the best outcomes for learners. 3.3 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with employers and other stakeholders in education and training. (400 words minimum) I think no one person can see nor deliver the highest standard of educational care from only their stance or viewpoint. Working in partnership with colleagues, employers and other external stakeholders will enable that many perspectives and expertise can be utilised to achieve the best outcomes for learners and lead to positive growth and development within an organisation. Working with colleagues, it is obvious that good communication is key, especially when more than one colleague may teach the same learner as myself. For example, if I have noticed that a learner has difficulty seeing from the back and is much happier and