In order to allow Mr. Green to utilize a Windows 7 Ultimate software without committing to it we would either have to create a backup of all data and user settings and then use Windows Anytime to upgrade the system to Windows 7 Ultimate or create a dual boot environment with Windows 7 Home Premium and adding Windows 7 Ultimate to the other partition. With the system a dual boot with the Windows Easy Transfer tool, Mr. Green would have access to both systems. However, this could be a concern as the data from one system will not update automatically to the other partition. It is possible to create a home group on the Windows 7 Ultimate partition and then shared files that the Windows 7 Home Edition system can join to ensure that the new files on the Ultimate partition can be viewed on both systems. If he determines that the new version is going to work I would recommend a wipe-and-load refresh of the workstation to ensure that we clear out