In the case, of most film noir movies it gives a story or voice of the sexually dangerous woman (not your typical housewife) who has been oppressed or perhaps hurt in the past. For example, the myth behind the movie Gilda is represented by the past that she shares with Johnny (male main character). This past perhaps holds the key to explain Gilda’s hateful atmosphere every time she shares a scene with Johnny. Even though the movies point of view is seen through mainly the male character, one could agree that Gilda’s voice and story is the main plot. how she tries to undermine Johnny’s position with his boss and makes hell break loose by being a free sexually expressive woman. Yet, another point one could agree with is the contrast of the ‘nurturing’ and ‘spider’ woman representation in film noir. Jane Placey argues how the evolution of the ‘spider’ woman is due to man’s right to control her sexuality in order to avoid being destroyed by it. Throughout the entire movie of Gilda one could appreciate the struggle that Johnny had to control Gilda’s sexuality and freedom. Especially when Mudson disappears and they both get married. When this happens the control of her sexuality intensifies. This means that Johnny felt threatened by Gilda’s position and proves Place’s argument on how men have a need to control women’s sexuality. Also one could