Women In The Military Research Paper

Words: 938
Pages: 4

Women have found ways to fight for the US military for its entire existence. In the beginning women had to disguise themselves as men to fight in combat. This has steadily changed over the years. Today, women are allowed to work in all military positions, including as infantrymen.
Women In Military Roles
Revolutionary & Civil War
Women worked as nurses, cookes, laundresses or disguised themselves (The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation).
Deborah Sampson: The First Female Soldier (The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation).
Sampson’s parents and family left her to care for herself
Worked as an indentured servant, wove and taught on the side
Age 21 she disguises herself as a man named Robert Shurtliff and enlisted in fourth massachusetts
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While some doors were opened during WW1, many were opened in WW2 (The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation).
In Oct. 1940 men began to get drafted for military service in WW2 when the US declared war on Japan, Germany & Italy. However, this did not occur for women. This lead many ladies to ask “what about us?” Representative Edith Nourse Rogers (Massachusetts), spokeswoman for ladies rights, introduced a bill in May 1941 calling for the creation of an all-volunteer women's corps in the Army. This was approved in both the senate and house during 1942. As a result the WAAC, and WASPS were created. I have a family member that served as a WAAC
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (“Women's Army Corps”). By the spring of 1946 60,000 ladies had volunteered and joined the auxiliary, this is the first time women were allowed a military status. These women were trained in a similar manner to men, the only difference is the lack of weapons and tactical training. After this the women were deployed overseas, and worked tirelessly in their duties.General Douglas MacArthur supposedly called the women “my best soldiers” and preferred working with the Women Army
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Women were also allowed positions in the Airforce, as pilots. These ladies were the first woman to fly US military aircraft. These pilots mostly ferried aircraft from factories to bases. Subprograms like the WAFS, and WFTD were created for women to train and work. These two organization formed to make the Women's Airforce Service Pilots. Some 1100 women were tasked with non combat military fights in WW2. WASPs logged more than 60 million miles and fly every type of aircraft available at the time. No matter how tirelessly these women served, the were not treated equal to men. Women flew targets behind their aircraft for aerial and ground gunnery members to practice. While the WACs were considered military personnel WASPs and WAVEs were not given this title. In 1944 the WASP program quiteley disbanded. Three decades passed before women were allowed to pilot military aircraft again. In 2009 President Obama resented the WASPs the congressional gold medal as a