Essay on Women study

Submitted By Ray-Gan
Words: 3591
Pages: 15


Title of Project: The physiologic effects of Capsaicinoid ingestion on human metabolism and exercise performance

Investigators: Jamie Burr, PhD (Principal Investigator) Pamela Arsenault, MD (Lead Researcher) Institutions: Applied Human Sciences, the University of PEI

Contact Person: Dr. Jamie Burr, Email:, Tel: 902-620-5225 Dr. Pamela Arsenault, Email:, Tel: 902-218-3841

Description of the study

We are interested in evaluating the effects of capsaicinoid ingestion (the active ingredient in hot peppers) on human metabolism and measures of cardiovascular physiology. There is evidence to suggest that capsaicinoid ingestion may alter fat metabolism and lead to changes in body composition and physical performance during exercise, through a shift in the use of fat as an energy supply.

This study is divided into two distinct phases, of which you may only participate in one. Phase 1 will specifically look at the effects of capsaicinoid ingestion on the body over a period of 12 weeks. We will evaluate whether there are any noticeable changes in substrate use (use of fat vs carbohydrate), body fat, cholesterol and inflammation levels, and cardiovascular function. We will encourage you to continue your regular exercise routine, but we will ask you to not modify your exercise habits during that timeframe. Phase 2 will examine the effects of acute capsaicinoid ingestion on exercise performance. During a high intensity fitness test, we will assess if there is a greater use of fat as a primary source of energy (with the utilization of muscular glycogen (sugar) at a later stage of physical activity) and the effect on exertion and endurance.

Before starting

If you are interested in participating in this investigation please complete and sign the consent form. Testing will primarily commence in April and May 2014.

Before initiating any physical testing or training, you will be required to complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+) to evaluate your ability to safely complete the proposed testing. Should any areas of concern regarding your current health/risk factors for exercise be identified, you will not be allowed to participate until you have received clearance from your doctor. Your ability to participate will also be determined by your aerobic fitness, which will be tested in the first session.

All research will be conducted at UPEI within the Steel Building, which houses the UPEI Human Performance and Health Laboratory.

Phases of the study
**For the duration of the study, you will be asked to not change your diet and exercise routine. You will also be asked to not consume any vitamins, herbal medicines, supplements, including digestive enzymes, and sedatives during this time.**

Phase 1

You will be asked to complete 4 short questionnaires online:
Stanford Exercise Behaviour Scale
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire
Appetite Visual Analogue Scale
Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire

Day 1 (30 min)
Prior to other baseline measures, you will be asked to report to the QEH to participate in a DEXA (dual x-ray absorptiometry) scan, which maps the tissue composition of your body. There is no preparation for this exam except for removing all piercings. This is a commonly used test for bone density, but also gives us insight into soft tissue (fat and muscle). This will take approximately 30 minutes of your time, and the lead researcher will help you to arrange your appointment. During the scan you will be asked to lay motionless on your back while a computer controlled wand makes a number of passes over the your body. The wand sends low grade x-rays through your body, which are detected by the bed panel. The scan causes no pain and the radiation dose is low.

Day 2 (1.5 hrs)
Participant preparation (IMPORTANT):
Fasting for 12 hrs preceding testing (can drink water, no gum)