The party looked at the women influenced resistant groups as nonthreatening. Another debating topic is women authors say women were a vital role in the functionality of Germany. Whereas male authors say women were just another body in Germany to add to the population growth.
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Between his assertion to power in January of 1933 and the death of President Heidelberg in August 1935, Adolf Hitler converted Germany into a totalitarian state. By this time, Germany had been transformed into a totalitarian state; meaning he had control over all aspects of life. Also beginning around 1933, Hitler mad it very clear what the role of women should be. Hitler wanted all women to be the best mothers by raising them and taking care of the home while the men were working. Hitler said beside some special skill some women did have, women should not have to work. Very early on in a woman’s life, she is taught this lifestyle. Along with this particular lifestyle they also learned they were to marry a proper German man at a fairly young age. But at the end of the First World War in 1918, the labor force needed more