Working-Class Struggle By Paul Buhle: Chapter Analysis

Words: 321
Pages: 2

5. This organization compares and contrasts with the graphic book“Drawn to change graphic histories of working-class struggles” by Paul Buhle. In chapter one, “Dreaming what might be: The knights of labor in Canada, 1880-1900”. In that chapter the “spreading the light” in the 21st century “the knights of labor perceived their project to be one of “spreading light”. Spreading the light then as now, entailed a wide ranging struggle to transcend inequality, in the workplace as well as the political arena” ( Bryan D. Palmer, Gregory S. Kealey, 2016). Workers action center the same way and want get rid of the inequality in the workplace. “They are the knights that encourage people to dream of what might be and take action rather than give in to