She came from a typical family which existed of both parents, younger brother and a mutual aged identical girl cousin. She was bright, outgoing, overbearing and simply loved to hear herself talk. An example of her being overbearing and talking too much took place in the episode “The Chatter Box”. She was being Patty as usual and expressing to her family how her day went, but her Dad was not in the mood that day. Patty’s Dad expressed he was not interested hearing about Patty’s day and preferred peace while reading his paper after a long stressful day at the office. Patty ignored his request and continued parading on about her day. With assistance from Patty’s brother, Patty’s dad betted she could not remain quite for three days. She accepted the challenged and found a way to express herself effectively without a voice, which resulted in her winning the bet. Patty lived up to the expectations of women in that era, where she wanted to be involved, dominate, and heard even it meant not using her