Helen Keller
By: Madalyn Butts
Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27, 1880
in Tuscumbia, Alabama. In 1882, she fell ill and was
struck blind, deaf and mute. Beginning in 1887,
Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, helped her make
tremendous progress with her ability to
communicate. Anne comes to their household and is
told she has 6 months to live and help Helen as much
as she can. Once Anne begins to work with Helen
she sees that Helen will never be able to learn in the
household she’s living in. Anne takes her to their
green house home and has 2 weeks to keep Helen
away from her family and teach her everything she
Needs to know about sign language. Helen goes
back and worth with wanting to learn and not
wanting to. she gets to know Mrs. Sullivan as being
the only one around so she does what she is told in
till she returns home and goes back to her old ways.
Helen Keller’s most important contribution to the world
then, was that in 1918 made a movie in Hollywood,
Deliverance, to dramatize the plight of the blind and during
the next two years supported herself and Sullivan on the
vaudeville stage. In todays time Helen Keller has set an
example for everyone knowing with such little you can
have so much Helen came from having nothing and then
having everything being able to know the world and things
around u have meaning is a gift. Helen went threw her
younger years not being able to talk