Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Frederick Douglass

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Pages: 2

Frederick Augustus Douglass was born in Cordova, Maryland in February 1818. His mother Harriet Bailey, was enslaved at the Wye House plantation when she conceived Frederick, along with six other children: Harriet Bailey II, Kitty Bailey, Arianna Bailey, Sarah Bailey, and Perry Douglass. Frederick escaped his enslavement in September 1838. He became a prominent activist, public speaker, and author. Most of his works are first person memoirs that shed light to his arduous life, and his experiences with racial prejudices. Upon arriving in New York in search of refuge, Frederick wrote a passionate article about the price of newfound “freedom”, and the daunting future that lies ahead of him. Douglass conveys anxiousness, distrust, and victory by …show more content…
It was life and death with me.” (lines 1-2). The use of antithesis in this statement reveals to the audience how serious, and sinister, the situation he is faced with. Douglass is in turmoil, knowing the two possible outcomes. Secondly, moments of triumph and victory are present. Douglass switches from feeling unsure to feeling delivered. “It was a moment of the greatest excitement I ever experienced. I suppose I felt as one may imagine the unarmed mariner to feel when he’s rescued by a friendly man-of-war from the pursuit of a pirate.” (lines 7-9). The use of metaphors alluding to emotion, provides the reader with a deeper comparative understanding of Douglass’s mindset. It is obvious to see that he is feeling hopeful, and elated. An important thing to note, is that this article shifts rapidly between emotions. Douglass’s personal writing style and syntax, can leave the audience feeling strangely anxious. For example, a. “This state of mind, however, very soon subsided; and I was again seized with a feeling of great insecurity and loneliness. I was yet liable to be taken back, and subjected to all the tortures of slavery.” (lines