Write An Essay On Brain Injury

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Pages: 3

Brain Damage
Brain injury usually means a radical change in your life. It can affect your thinking, your behavior, your memory and your physical possibilities. If the brain injury causes a retraction or stiff muscles, or spasticity, Medtronic advanced technological solution may be useful in some cases.

Setting an acquired brain injury
ABI is a brain injury that is not due to a hereditary condition, congenital or degenerative, and that is not related to pregnancy or childbirth.1

Most often, acquired brain injury causes changes in the activity of neurons (nerve cells). These changes affect one or more functional areas such as cognition, speech, language and communication, memory, attention and possibilities of concentration, logical thinking,
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A brain injury can result in short and long term problems related to functions motrices.3

Causes of acquired brain injury
The causes of acquired brain injury include: 2

airway obstruction; near drowning, swelling in the throat, suffocation, strangulation, chest injury; electric shock or lightning strike; injury to the head or neck; traumatic brain injury with or without skull fracture, hemorrhage due to open wounds, arterial lesions due to a violent blow, shock; interruption of blood supply; heart attack, stroke, arteriovenous malformations (vascular malformation, AVM), aneurysm, cerebral operation; infectious disease, brain tumor, metabolic disorder; meningitis (inflammation of the meninges), certain sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, diseases transmitted by insects, brain tumor, hypo- or hyperglycemia, hepatic encephalopathy (brain disease due to liver failure), uremic encephalopathy (disorder of brain function due hepatic or renal impairment), epilepsy; exposure to toxic substances; abuse of drugs or alcohol, lead poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, exposure to toxic chemicals, chemotherapy (rare).
Causes of traumatic brain injury
The leading causes of TBI