There were forty-four people on board. None of which were children. The plane was delayed 45 minutes after the first plane hit the north tower. The terrorist took control of the plane with knives and box cutters. They even killed a few passengers with the knives to show they were serious. At the time it was not illegal to fly with these items. Passengers franticly called their families and told them what had happened to their plane. Some even told their family about their plan to charge the cockpit. When flight 93 was about twelve minutes outside of D.C. The passengers charged the cockpit. They used any weapon they could find. Anything from boiling water to soda cans. The terrorist heard the door about to bust open so they wrecked the plane into a Pennsylvania field. That was the only plane that didn’t reach its target. In addition, another large aspect of 9/11 was the deaths and cost. An estimated $105,000,000,000 were lost to New York’s economy. On top of that, it cost $6,000,000 to clean up the catastrophic event. Another big shocker is that 2,819 innocent lives were lost that day. This included civilians, fireman, and police