Writing/English 101 Reflection

Words: 552
Pages: 3

This semester gave me ample opportunities to widen my knowledge. The class Foundations of Writing/English 101 has been so intellectually empowering. I have been introduced to a great variety of writing techniques, correct MLA format manners, and proper referencing. Despite all acquired knowledge and skills, my writing still needs some cultivation. It especially concerns the skills of using proper grammar and corrections in the MLA format of mine. Even though there is space for some things to be improved, I am extremely grateful for the skills I have had chance to master.
During the semester I was able to achieve certain goals, compose for particular audiences and purposes. The ways I was able to achieve that goal were three different papers I wrote during the semester. Those three papers were various essays: reflection, argumentative, and explanatory essay. When I first started composing the papers, my prior task
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The steps I took to reach this goal would be the use of proper MLA conventions for each essay. For the argumentative essay I made sure the title Mandatory School Uniform Policy was properly cited throughout the essay. Similar to the review that had to have proper MLA conventions. The reflection essay I composed also had to follow proper MLA conventions. For instance, the explanatory essay had statistics and different facts from sources. That having been said, I had to make sure the statistics had the proper quotes around each fact, or statistics from the source I got that information from. In addition, in class we practiced an annotated bibliography. It was the first time I completed one. Through the process I was unsure of what actually was required for an annotated bibliography. Eventually, I was able to complete my annotated bibliography at home. Using different conventions for each essay allowed me to progress on my way to accomplishing goal