Early in the war, soldiers were highly motivated. They were convinced that they were fighting for what was right and that they were destined to win. As the war went on, the soldiers started to realize that their enemies were in the same situation as them. They began to question reasons behind the war and whether they were really fighting for what was right. Eventually, many soldiers began to blame the higher command for the amount of death. Another issue arose with the armistice. It was signed at 5 a.m. on the 11th of November, but it did not go into effect until 11 a.m. that same day. Orders had been given before the armistice was signed, but when the front was informed of the signing, they were not told to cancel planned offensives. Because of this, many officers were forced to send their men into battle with only minutes left in the war. There were roughly 10,000 casualties on November 11th before the ceasefire finally came into effect. The fighting on the 11th had no influence on the outcome of the war, and many believe that the lives of the men lost that day were wasted. For most of the war, people were questioning whether it was justified, and it is very difficult to understand why it was necessary to fight until the final minute of the