Ww1 Unit 1 Research Paper

Words: 529
Pages: 3

The rise of nationalism all over the world has contributed to global security. According to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, nationalism describes two phenomena’s: “(1) the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity, and (2) the actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve (or sustain) self-determination.” To understand nationalism, we must first know what nation and state are. A state is a political entity that has control of a territory, can govern itself, has mutual recognition from other states, and has sovereignty and autonomy to run its affairs. The definition from Global Policy states that “A nation is a large group of people with strong bonds of identity - an "imagined community," a tribe on a grand scale. The nation may have a claim to statehood or self-rule, but it does not necessarily enjoy …show more content…
Organizations like the World Trade Organization, NATO, and the European Union have nation-states cooperating with each other and working together as a group to keep each other safe, maintain the world economy is growing and for security. In a way, Nationalism threatens that goal. Nationalism supports states and/or nations to be for themselves. For example, nationalism was part of the reason why WWI started. In Austria- Hungary, it was a Serbia Nationalist who killed the Archduke that began the world war. Because of the murder of the Archduke global security was threatened and the war started. People having nationalistic views can harm many people. Ethnic cleansing is another way it can be dangerous. Another example would be the Bosnian war, where Serbia Nationalists murders many Bosnian Muslims. Serbia wanted to expand the territory, so they decided to kill people, and they were using nationalism as a way to get support from their people. Although this example is extreme, it shows that nationalism can be dangerous to the security of