Xacc 280 Week 7 Lab Report Powerpoint

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Pages: 3

The data collected from the experiment was entered into excel and a data table (table 1) was created to display the findings. Using the online graphing calculator Desmos, the data was graphed as it could not be done on excel due to the technology is less advanced.
To find the theoretical values, the formula constants need to be found. The constants consist of the angle of launch, the spring constant of launcher spring, time of flight, and the change in length of launch spring. To find the time of each flight, the program tracker was used and by subtracting the time of launch from the time of landing the time was found. The time was 0.433 seconds and it was the lowest value found from analyzation as air resistance affect it the least. The angle from which the projectile was launched remained constant as 45°. The spring constant could not be found even by using research methods such as online resources. Thus the tracker program was used to find the initial velocity of the projectiles. Using the spring potential energy formula the masses of the projectiles were used to find the value of k. The value was estimated to be 47. Using a ruler the change in spring length was measured and found to be 0.035m. All the information above was used to formulate the final formula
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This formula was used for the first data point to calculate the theoretical value, the mass, 0.00973kg was then substituted into the formula to give an answer of 0.553 m.

Table 1: Data collected for each projectile.

Mass (kg) against the range