Yearbook Experience Analysis

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Pages: 5

There were many things that were different about yearbook than what I expected. But there were not many things that were the same then what I expected. I am going to tell you about my experience when I was on the yearbook staff.
My expectation when I signed up for yearbook was way different. I thought that all we were going to do was take pictures and maybe work on the yearbook a little during the end of the semester. That’s all I saw the kids first semester do. I never saw them work on the yearbook but I just thought that we would. But i’d sometimes see kids walking around the school with cameras taking pictures and that’s why I wanted to be in yearbook(because I like taking pictures just not really good around them). In the end it was way
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I also typed so much that it increased my speed while typing. I also got better at using a camera and my way around a camera. All I knew what to do with a camera was click the button to take a picture, I learned how to look at the pictures after you take them. I learned a lot about time management because we only had 3 months to finish it, luckily we also had fourth hour to help us finish that book as a whole. When we couldn’t figure out how to tell a person’s name we could go to image to the right of the screen and look at their grade(6th 7th 8th) and search and see which person it was.
There is many things that yearbook could help me with in the future. One thing is that since I got way better at photography and that could help me one day if I wanted to be a photographer, you never know. Another thing i’m good at now is I know my way around the yearbook site and maybe next year or when im in highschool I may want to do yearbook again and I will already know how to do it. The last thing is that it helps me come up with good ideas because there are many varieties of things like backgrounds, and designs and many others