Now that we have all the formalities out of the way I would like to get down to the heart of the matter. Aleeya Yellow Bird would like a puppy; not right now and not even for christmas she would appreciate the opportunity to get a puppy in the spring season wheres it is generally warmer and has less snow on the ground so this would entail around April or May depending on the weather She has made this suggestion based on the idea that the dog will mainly be an outside dog and if the puppy were to be outside while it is a puppy in the North Dakota winter she thinks it would likely have a bad time however she assures you that if she is allowed to get the correct breed of dog it will be able to stand the cold fairly well by the next winter months.Now the daughter in question is willing to pay for the puppy and all of its ameniteis herself (veternain bills excluded) how you might ask? My client thinks that by the time spring rolls around she will have saved up at least 1000 U.S dollars she currently has 500 U.S dollars in the bank so my client believes that she can save up at least 500 or more dollars by the time the spring months roll