'Yof's Exposed In Canaan'

Words: 536
Pages: 3

Yosef’s saga is expansive, integral and imperative to the overall narrative of the Israelites decent into Egypt. His progression from dream-interpreter shepherd to minister of Egypt is one of the more layered and elaborate stories in the Torah that bring a strong sense of surprise and amazement to the tale of Yosef’s life and fate. The life of Yosef is full with a series of ups and downs; in Canaan, he was the favorite son in his father’s eyes, which caused the other siblings to despise him and wish ill to come up him. Yaakov preference to Yosef was not surprising since he inherited the elegant beauty of his mother Rachel. In fact, the Midrash says: “Whenever Joseph would walk by Jacob, he would look at Joseph, and his (Jacob's) soul would be restored, as if he was looking at the mother of Joseph, for the beauty of Joseph was similar to the beauty of Rachel” [Zohar 216b]. Furthermore, in Egypt, his time was even more tumultuous until he became a leader to all Egyptians. One is amazed by how Yosef’s life turned around. He experiences all the blessings and all the dangers that go along with being the chosen one among so many siblings. Yosef’s story reads like a roller coaster giving the reader glimpses of the vicissitudes and triumphs that transform the self-centered …show more content…
It also portrays an arrogant child who is showing off his dreams to his siblings to irk them further "Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more." He dreamed that they were binding sheaves together in the field. Suddenly his sheaf arose and stood upright. All of the sheaves of his brothers bowed down to his sheaf. Now his brothers were furious, and said, "Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?" Genesis