Yonkers Chapter Summary

Words: 1854
Pages: 8

In order to fully understand the gravity of such rapid change in Yonkers, it is vital to have some historical context. Having a deep understanding of Yonkers’ history allows one to interpret what is happening from a knowledgeable scope of reference. Having this knowledge also makes it much easier to contextualize events through time and location, which makes it easier to make observations as if one is actually familiar with the area. Yonkers as whole has a very rich history due to its placement on the Hudson and advantageous closeness to New York City. Yonkers’ growth as a city revolves around the Waterfront, which has served many purposes throughout time. This chapter includes details from each decade, with a particular focus on the industrialization era that began in the late 1800’s and the desegregation efforts that began in the 1970’s. Both sections should serve as a lens from which one can look at and consider the events that will be further discussed in later chapters.

Early Development:
Before the 1600’s, Yonkers was owned by several Native American tribes who were settled along the river and by the Neperah Stream, now
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Established in 1890 by Elisha Graves, Otis elevators made vertical transport accessible to the public by utilizing a safety mechanism of Graves’ own invention. Many architectural wonders utilize Otis elevators including the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer, the Vatican, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (http://towersecrets.com/designing-the-tower-of-terror/), and many others. The original site of the factory remains where it was built, only a few blocks from the waterfront. However, the space is now occupied by a modern apartment complex. Today, the Otis Elevator Company itself is thriving with nearly 2.4 million elevators operating all over the world.