“Young Ben Franklin” written by Julie Doyle Durway, shows the perspective of Benjamin Franklin's early childhood life. He was a child who was curious and hungry for knowledge. Ben spent a lot of his early childhood life in Boston playing, swimming, and fishing. He began working at his father’s soap and candle shop at the age of ten. He did not enjoy the experience of working at the shop, but he appreciated the value of craftwork and creativity. He spent most of his free time reading to improve his writing skills …show more content…
When Ben was 12, he went to work at his brother James’s print shop. Even though he did not get along with his brother, he loved being a printer as he learned many things such as politics, science, books, etc. As he reached adulthood, he opened his printing shop and published a weekly newspaper called The Pennsylvania. He became a publisher and he even became friends with people who wrote books.
“Young Ben Franklin” prints a picture of a young boy who looked at the world from the perspective of trying to find solutions to everyday problems. Every time he encounters a problem he will solve it with his solution, such as he makes his paddle to swim faster or when he helps his brother with the print shop business by being a writer for his brother‘s newspaper.
On the other hand, “Printer’s Ink” prints a picture of an adult who opened his own printer shop. He became a publisher and a great writer. At the age of 12, unlike his peers at school, he experienced the working life and he used every opportunity in his current situation to gain knowledge working as a printer. He was not just a normal printer but also a writer for his newspaper work and his most famous work Richard’s Almanack, a book that contains all sorts of useful information that helped people with his useful