The story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, begins with a family who travels to a colonial mansion. John who is a physician has a wife whom he believes is suffering from a mental disability. The wife is isolated within the confines of a single room. Alone, she spends her …show more content…
From this quote, “said Faith, with the pink ribbons,” (p. 3) the symbol of innocence appears. Goodman Brown ventures into the forest and meets a man with a serpent staff, this is the first symbol of evil and temptation. There is a pathway within the woods that symbolizes the path between good and evil. Goodman Brown becomes a symbol along with the name Faith. Faith represents Goodman Brown's faith throughout the story. When Goodman Brown sees Faith’s pink ribbon fall from the sky he loses his faith. He believes that if Faith had turned away from good, he himself wouldn’t be able to resist evil. Young Goodman Brown is an aberration of what his name alone portrays. Our narrator doesn’t take matters lightly, he is very involved with what is happening within the story. The story depicts a loss of innocence, deep-rooted evil, and betrayal. In the short stories “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Yellow Wallpaper” we are able to distinguish the symbolism within each narration. The stories literary devices resemble each other therefore abeling the reader to make connections within the story to form a cohesive theme throughout. We are able to form a distinct theme within both stories that help the story flow more cohesively. Both stories have meaningful symbolism that develops a deeper meaning than what appears on the