Little people know that the animals suffer mentally,physically, and emotionally. They are stuck in one area at all times; all day everyday. They don't get to roam around how they would usually do if they were in their natural habitat. According to "Zoos: Myth And Reality" by Rob Laidlaw, yet despite the best intentions on the animals they still are consigned to lead miserable lives in undersized cages. Some may argue that the zoo has done enough for the animals but they haven't. Florida should ban the captivity of the animals. …show more content…
People don't get to see the animals in their natural habitat.Even when they do see the animals most likely the animal is just sitting there or laying down doing nothing. Its like the animals are bored of doing nothing all day long.
In "Danish Zoo Kills Healthy Giraffe Feeds Body To Lions" by Naik Bharati & Marie-Louise Gumunchian, zoos can kill the animals. If they don't want the animal inbreeding they'd just kill whatever animal that is overpopulating just because of their genetics.
In conclusion, it is evident that the state of Florida should ban animals being in