Today we are dealing with college graduates not being able to find a job after college. This is causing even a worse problem because people believe that college is a waste of time, and deciding not to go to college. This problem can be solved if people are aware of the benefits of a college degree. A college education is worth all the time, effort and money because you earn that money in a life time, Career opportunities, and lower unemployment rates. This problem can be solved if people are aware of the benefits of a college degree. A college education is worth all the time, effort and money because you earn that money in a life time, Career opportunities, and lower unemployment rates.
A college education is the best investment you could invest in your lifetime. This is valid because college graduates receive a life time of benefits such as, internships, career opportunities, and increased pay. College graduates make more money in a life time than non-college graduates, also allowing them to earn back what they paid for college plus more. This means graduates in the end will live a better life style, than working at a job and not getting paid anything.
A college education guarantees a greater chance of a higher paying career. Graduates yearly income increases based on the number of degrees they have. Statistics have shown that the more degrees a person has, their yearly salary majorly increases compared to someone with only a high school diploma. This means a college graduates can have better and easier jobs while getting paid more hourly and yearly.
Great health benefits come with a college education. Working a minimum wage job will not come with great health benefits that can help support you and your family. College graduates who have careers receive good health benefits for them and their family. Going to college will not only benefit you, it also benefits family.
Promotions are easier to achieve with a college education. Non college graduates work for years to move up to a higher position. College graduates don’t have to have years of experience to be qualified to work a certain job position because they have a degree that says they are more than qualified. Major jobs in the work field want employees who have college degrees to represent them. Statistics show that people with college educations get job promotions more frequently and Job promotions are good because you began to reach your career goals, closer to becoming successful in your career, and you salary increases.
Certain jobs require a college degree because they want someone who is educated and qualified to work that position. People have a job that they have always dreamed about working, and most jobs today won’t even considering hiring someone who doesn’t have a degree in which says they are qualified for that position. Companies today are actually paying there employers to go back to college to further their education so they can still work there. This shows that they expectations in the work field are