Zoe Honea
University of Phoenix
A Man’s World
It take’s a strong woman to do all that is necessary to raise children. To Aguirre a
job, that not only pays the bills, but also leaves enough time to be a mother also. Making
what one has and can obtain fit the family needs can be a challenge. Most women truly
believe the father of their children will always be there, but more often than not, men tend
to abandon this responsibility. Unfortunately, this was the situation for my two sons’ and
me. In addition, as a roofer is how I earned enough money, and had a flexible work
schedule to raise them. In 1982 a friend of mine at church, ask how I was able to make it with no
husband, and little help from family. I simply said, “I work hard and pray a lot.” That
evening she, and her husband came to my home with a job offer that changed my life.
Her husband was co-owner of Fort Worth Roofing, and he offered to pay me $100 a day
to clean up and haul off all trash and scrap from the job sights. After thinking about it for
a few days, I accepted the job, and began the fight to work in what most considered
“mans work.” I worked long hard days having to over look the teasing and catcall of the
men working on the roof. I guess telling on them was an option, but the problem was
much larger than one woman or one job. It took