1) Why do you like Wendy’s fresh meat hamburgers better than those of competitors made with frozen meat? The consumer is led to make a statement favoring Wendy’s hamburgers. This is a lousy question because Wendy’s is already stating that their meat hamburgers are better than other competitors and some people may think differently. How does Wendy’s know that other leading competitors make their hamburgers with frozen meat? What if people don’t eat meat? What if people don’t eat Wendy’s? Not everyone can answer this question. Therefore, this is a bad question on a survey. (Leading Question)
2) Do you eat at fast-food restaurants regularly?
•Yes •No This is a bad question because the question only has two options and there is not much of a variety and what if someone eats at a restaurant sometimes. Another reason why this is a bad question is because what does regular mean? Once a week, twice a week or even three times a week, no one knows. (Ambiguous question)
3) What was the occasion for your eating your first hamburger? First of all, the sentence has a spelling error so it doesn’t look professional and some people may not understand the question. How can one remember what their first burger was like and if one did how can they distinctly explain how it felt or tasted. Is this question relevant to the survey, does it even matter. (Unanswerable question)
4) Do you like Wendy’s hamburgers and chili?
•Yes •No This question is unanswerable because what if someone only ate Wendy’s hamburgers and not the chili and vice versa. Wendy’s is forcing upon you to like either both or dislike both which is most likely no to happen. (Two questions in one)
5) Where do you live?
•House •Dormitory How does living either in a house or dormitory affect your food choice? What if someone didn’t live in either both and lived in an apartment, what would they choose? This is a bad question because there is a restricted choice and most people will leave this answer as blank. (Non exhaustive question).
6) What is your age?
•Under 20 •20-40 •40 and over This is another question where the person has a restriction to what they can choose. What if the person was 40 years